cultural photographs

cultural photography

Most folks who ask you that question aren’t attempting to provoke an existential crisis; they simply want to know how you live with a camera. Are you a photographer that specializes in elephants, icebergs, or weddings? They’d appreciate a general sense of what you do for the purposes of discussion. It appears harmless enough, yet it has the potential to cause some psychological. What we do and who we are can both feel like defining traits. The majority of us will spend half of our lives attempting to define who we are, and the other half attempting to find out who we are when we are not doing the thing that defines us. It’s a unique situation.

Since the beginning of time, societies have grappled with a complicated human predicament. When someone asks us who we think we are, we can experience a wide range of emotions. The query revealed a void in my work career for me. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what I was doing. I used to call what I did “documentary photography” for a few years, but the phrase never sat well with me. It never appeared to get to the heart of my work, or provide light on my method, which I’ve always considered as distinct from documentary work due to its lack of objectivity. People’s perspectives intrigue me, thus I strive to express my ideas from their perspective.

Cultural anthropology is a discipline of anthropology that studies human cultural variety, as opposed to social anthropology, which views cultural variation as a subset of the anthropological constant. Participant observation (commonly referred to as fieldwork because it entails the anthropologist spending an extended amount of time at the research site), interviews, and surveys are all part of anthropological technique.

YOUR FAVORITE TEACHER (with bounced external off camera flash)

So this is my teacher Ms. Thomas. I have Ms. Thomas for Science. The reason why i choose Ms. Thomas is because i like how i can have a conversation with her without a problem. I also how she sometimes funny. Also what what i wonder if she a cool mom cause she looks like it the way she dresses.

Ms. Thomas is also my favorite teacher because I’m pretty sure if i have a conversation i will be able to her something and she will keep it a secret she like friend. i also like how she really cool with her students. Also how she says hi to everyone that walks by her door. And i also how she makes you end of feeling good because when you miss a long time of school she makes you feel good. Because she says we missed you because when you come back usually your friends don’t really care but she like a friend that is their for you and that’s what i like about her.

She also does not really give out a lot of work most of the time easy i really like when we do projects though. She also make every student laugh some times. but i really like her as a teacher because she a really cool and pretty teacher. especially i would say one of the first teacher that has a nose ring. And this is the reason why i like Ms. Thomas and why she favorite teacher.


external flash work sheet

-When would you use external flash? – in dark areas.

Do you need to meter the light if you use flash? – yes because what if they are so close to you or far.

What does flash synchronization mean? – the operation or activity of two or more things at the same time or rate.

-What does ETTL mean?- Evaluation Through The Lens

-What will happen when you shoot faster than the camera sync speed?- it will come out bad.

-Why do photographers bounce the flash and use a diffuser? – so the light is soft and they bounce is because so the flash can be angled right on the persons face.

What is a slave? -Slave mode is mode that instructs a flash unit to monitor incoming light, and fire when it senses the light produced by another flash unit firing.

What should you do if your image comes out too dark or too light? if it comes out to dark or two light always fix your aperture and the ISO.